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High School Intern for Congressman Tim Wirth, 1984

Wednesday, April 6, 2005 at 08:16PM
Posted by Registered CommenterPolitical Mammal in My personal history

In the spring of 1984, when I was a senior at Boulder High School, I interned for a short while at the Westminster, Colorado district office of then-Congressman Timothy E. Wirth. I still have a letter from July 2nd of that year—on Congress of the United States stationery (recycled paper, no less)—thanking me for “being so much help to Jickie and my staff.”

I did not meet the congressman and the work was not very memorable, but I am still happy to have had the opportunity. I did some routine office stuff; played with the signature stamp; saw my first fax machine (a manually crank-turned canister into which you placed a document to send it from Colorado to Washington); read the congressman’s biography and policy materials; experimented on a dedicated word-processor machine; and listened to the staff talk about Wirth.

I remember hearing in glowing terms from the staff about the Congressman’s height (about 6’5”), his looks, his brains (Harvard undergrad, Harvard graduate school in Education, Stanford doctorate, White House Fellow), and his seriousness about policy matters (a Democrat interested in high-technology investments and growth). He sounded upwardly mobile, a leader from central casting, and to the eighteen-year-old me, larger than life and almost unreal.

Because of that experience, and because he was my hometown Congressman, I have followed his career from afar. I have felt pride when he won the U.S. Senate seat in Colorado in 1986; when he became Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs under Clinton; and when he became president of the United Nations Foundation (Ted Turner-billion-dollar-bequest funded U.N. enterprise). Pretty good career, I would say, and only half of a power couple—he is married to Wren Wirth, the President of the Winslow Foundation.

And, thanks to that brief stint in 1984, I can say I used to work for him.

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Reader Comments (2)

Hello Nathaniel. I was very interested in your post about Tim Wirth. I missed you by about a year. I went to work for Tim in August 1985 in that Westminster office. I remember Jickie Simpson very well (she's passed away now), Betty Miller, Jo Bryant, Cherry Jones, Betty Dimas, Bev Noun, etc. After he got elected to the Senate, I worked for him in Washington for a few years, and then went to work for David Skaggs for a time. Then I went off to B School at Cornell, and have been out of the political world since, working for a software company in Houston. Recently, I am doing some volunteer work for a Senate candidate here in Texas, Barbara Radnofsky. I see that we're using your software, and it appears to be excellent. Anyway, just wanted to say it's a small world, and congratulations on your success, and I hope we cross paths someday! Regards.
April 25, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterAndy Grout
I sometimes browse this site and was taken aback by the mention of Bev Noun. I worked with her on race in Michigan a few years ago so it seems she is still in the political world. I think she may have retired, but heard something about her being on a race in Colorado. Don't really know.
April 28, 2005 | Unregistered CommenterCollin

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